Hence, it is extremely important to develop tests for early diagnosis of disease and therefore timely intervention can be provided for treatment and averting its propagation

Hence, it is extremely important to develop tests for early diagnosis of disease and therefore timely intervention can be provided for treatment and averting its propagation. to include proteins that are associated with the different stages of disease progression. Healthy subjects showed high antibody titer against PhoP than patients and their contacts. In addition, a distinct pattern in the ratio of Acr-1/PhoP was observed among all cohorts. This study for the first time demonstrates a novel role of anti-PhoP antibodies, as a possible marker for the diagnosis of TB and therefore G-749 will contribute in the appropriate action and management of the disease. Introduction Tuberculosis (TB) patients produce antibodies to (proteins [1]. Considerable effort has been directed to understand the correlation between antibodies production and their specificity with disease progression[1C6]. Initial studies based on the response to purified protein derivatives (PPD) gives an indication of exposure to mycobacteria, but do not discriminate between (BCG) vaccination and non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) from infection[7, 8]. Consequently, it warrants the need of exploring novel tests for early diagnosis of TB. Selection of suitable antigens for early diagnosis of TB is quite crucial. This should cover antigens secreted during early, latent and active form of infection. ESAT-6 is an early secreted low molecular weight antigen target. It can proficiently evoke IRAK2 both cell-mediated immunity and humoral immunity and therefore activates both T cells and B cells[9]. Culture filtrate protein (CFP)-10 is another antigen identified in the low-molecular-mass fraction of culture filtrate. The gene which encodes this antigen is located in the same operon as ESAT-6[10]. ESAT-6 and CFP-10 are not expressed in BCG and can therefore discriminate between BCG vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals. Thus, are potential antigens to test for the diagnosis of tuberculosis [11]. Many other antigens have also been considered important in regulating the G-749 virulence of [12]. Nearly one-third of the world population is infected with latent that is predominantly expressed in the latent phase G-749 of infection[13]. PhoP is a part of PhoPR two-component system of and regulates key functions required for virulence and intracellular survival and persistence of within the macrophages and consequently its attenuation. Accordingly, PhoP plays an important role in the virulence of the pathogen and thus represents a potential target for early diagnosis of TB[16]. Till date, nothing is reported concerning humoral response against PhoP in TB. Therefore, for the first time here we elucidated the novel role G-749 of PhoP in the diagnosis of TB. We document that PhoP showed a unique pattern of decreased antibody titer in TB patients and house-hold close contacts as compared to healthy individuals, which was not observed in any of the tested antigens H37Ra upon expression of PhoP acquire virulence.[18]. Consequently, we thought that it would be imperative to monitor the antibodies response in the patients. We observed an interesting pattern in the antibody response against PhoP in TB patients, their contacts and healthy volunteers (Fig 1A). TB patients and contacts showed decrease in antibody titer than healthy individuals. As compared to healthy controls, the antibody titer was significantly decreased in the contacts (p 0.001) and TB patients (p 0.0001). In essence, the unique trend of down regulation of anti-PhoP antibodies in contacts and patients compared to healthy could not be observed in the other tested antigens (Fig G-749 1AC1D). While comparing the response among the PhoP, Acr-1, ESAT-6 and CFP-10, it was observed that patients, contacts and healthy showed highest antibody titer against PhoP and this difference was highly significant as compared to Acr-1 and ESAT-6 (Fig 2). Patients exhibited highest titer against PhoP and followed by CFP-10 and least response to Acr-1 and ESAT-6 (Fig 2A). Similarly, contacts showed maximum level of anti-PhoP antibodies, followed by Acr-1 and least against.